Developmental reviews

1 year developmental review 

During this contact you will be given the opportunity to discuss your babies' growth and development. You will be contacted by letter for you to arrange an appointment for your child’s review.   To help you think about your child's progress you will be sent an Ages and Stages questionnaire (ASQ).  The aim of the questionnaire is to help you understand your child's development.

You will have an opportunity to discuss the following:

  • Healthy lifestyle 
  • Immunisations 
  • Dental health 
  • Safety issues 
  • Next stages of development 

The next scheduled contact for  your child is at  2 to 2½ years old,  but you can always contact your health visitor at any time if there are any questions or concerns about your child’s development.

Developmental review (when your child is 2 – 2 ½ years old)

A member of the health visiting team will contact you to arrange an appointment to review your child’s health and developmental progress including the following:

  • Physical development for example: ability to walk, run and clamber over obstacles
  • Talking and communicating to adults and other children and discuss your child’s hearing and vision
  • Behaviour
  • Sleeping
  • Toilet training
  • Diet
  • Options for childcare and early year’s education.

We also provide ongoing support in partnership with other professionals and services for families dealing with more complex issues such as:

  • Domestic abuse
  • Mental health issues.