Health Visiting

Health visitors are registered nurses who have professional experience in child development and family health. They work as part of a team with community nursery nurses to promote good health and to help with the prevention of illness in all age groups in line with the Department of Health “Healthy Child Programme”

The Health Visiting team works with parents and carers who have children under five, providing advice and support on the following:  

  • Peri-natal mental health 
  • Infant feeding 
  • Healthy lifestyles 
  • SEND
  • Parenting 
  • Child development 

Startwell provides integrated health, council and voluntary services to support families from pregnancy until their child starts school at age 5.

Your health visiting team

We work with parents and children from mid-pregnancy until your child attends school. We are all registered nurses or midwives who have also completed additional training in public health, which includes child development, infant feeding and nutrition, and child and family health. 

We work in teams with Community Nursery Nurses and also work closely with a number of other community and voluntary sectors. These services include GP surgeries, midwives, paediatricians, children’s centres, Early Help teams and other Sutton Health and Care partners.

We can often signpost you to the most appropriate organisation or professional in order to help give your child the best start in life.

We know that what happens during pregnancy and in the first years of a child’s life has a big impact on their future development and opportunities later in life. Transitioning to becoming a parent is a time of change. The role of the Health Visiting Service aims to promote and support parents with the changes. Therefore we work closely with other services to ensure that you have access to the right support at the right time if that is what you want and need.

Families whose first language is not English can be visited or seen in a clinic with an interpreter alongside the Health Visitor to ensure your family’s health needs are addressed. The Health Visiting team can arrange this for you, please see contact details listed below.

For up to date activities and events: