Good Boost Healthy Heart

Good Boost Healthy Heart

Sutton Health and Care (SHC) provides weekly Good Boost Healthy Heart sessions for patients with a history of heart problems to improve and maintain health and wellbeing.

Using the Good Boost App, you will follow an individuallytailored exercise programme at your own pace, with easy-tofollow videos delivered on a tablet. A member of the SHC team will be on hand to encourage and provide you with support. After each session you can provide feedback on the exercises to help tailor your future sessions. 

Everyone benefits from a Boost

Good Boost Healthy Heart is a good way to continue your exercise in a community setting.

  • 10 free sessions*, after which time you are encouraged to continue with your individual exercise programme in your own time.
  • Group sizes of up to 12 participants per session, bookable on a week on week basis and subject to availability.
  • Choice of training positions — standing, supported standing or sitting.
  • Exercise equipment — chair, mat, step, dumbbells and resistance bands.

* Toparticipate in Good Boost Healthy Heart, patients are expected to commit to at least 8 out of a possible 10 sessions.


Phoenix Centre, Wallington
Tuesdays and Thursdays 11.30am — 12.30pm

Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the start time.

What should I do if I experience any pain while exercising?

Sit down and keep your legs/ feet moving if you experience any of the following:

  • Pains or tightness in the chest
  • Pain, swelling, stiffness in joints
  • Palpitations Excessive sweating
  • Excessive shortness of breath
  • Sickness/nausea
  • Feeling dizzy or faint.

If you experience any pain during Good Boost Healthy Heart sessions, tell a member of staff immediately. If you experience any pain when exercising on your own, seek advice from your GP, health professional or NHS 111.

What should I do if I have angina when I am exercising on my own?

Angina is an uncomfortable feeling in the chest. It usually feels like a heaviness or tightness in the centre of the chest, which may spread to the arms, neck, jaw, face, back or stomach. Use your GTN spray or tablets, (if you have been given these) because this will increase the supply of blood to your heart and help to relieve the discomfort.

If at any point your pain becomes worse, or if you feel unwell (eg dizzy, sweaty, short of breath) please call 999 for an ambulance immediately. If your pain is relieved, but if the episodes of angina are more frequent or are taking longer to go away, please arrange to see you GP to be reviewed. If you notice that your angina has started to happen at night or when you are resting, it is important that you see your GP so that he/she is aware of your new symptoms.

What happens afterwards?

Once you have completed your Good Boost sessions, you are encouraged to stay active. There are multiple options available:

  • Continue With Good Boost Independently (choose a monthly or annual subscription via Apple store or Google Play)
  • Discounted leisure club membership. Access to the gym, fitness classes, swimming
  • Sign up to Evergreens (50+) For discounted Pay As You Go Activities
  • Community exercise and activities.

*Good Boost is built-upon published clinical research for exercise and rehabilitation with input from clinicians and researchers who specialise in exercise rehabilitation.

How to refer

The programme is designed specifically for individuals with a history of heart problems and is currently only available to patients who have been referred by the ESTH Cardiac Rehab Team or our Heart Failure Team.

Download this information as a leaflet:  Good Boost Healthy Heart - A5 patient leaflet 210524.pdf [pdf] 3MB