Adult Speech and Language Therapy

The Adult Community Speech and Language Therapy Team offers services for people who have difficulty with communication, eating, drinking and swallowing.

Overview of the service

The Adult Community Speech and Language Therapy Team (ACSALT) provide a community service to adults with acquired communication, eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties. Speech and Language Therapists provide patient centred assessment, intervention and therapy and education to patients, carers and healthcare professionals. 

Objective of the service

To assist patients to achieve agreed goals in a supportive community environment. The service incorporates the use of evidence informed practice to achieve these goals. Through education the individual will understand their own role in helping their recovery and wellbeing. 

Who do we see?

Individuals 18 years and over and registered with a Sutton GP.

Check to see which patients are not suitable for this service

A learning disability diagnosis: If their communication, speech and/or language difficulty is thought to be a result of a learning disability, the individual should be referred to the Learning Disability Speech and Language Therapist in the Clinical Health Team for people with a Learning Disability at Sutton Social Services Civic Centre.

However if their communication, speech and/or language difficulty is thought to be as a result of an acquired condition (and not a result of their learning disability) these individuals can be referred to this team.

If they have an eating, drinking or swallowing difficulty, or difficulties with saliva, they should be referred to the Dysphagia Team for Adults with Learning Disabilities (DTALD). 

Voice difficulties: Individuals with difficulty using their voice should be referred to the Specialist Voice Service at Epsom and St Helier NHS Trust on 0208 296 2476 but only after they have had an ENT assessment, which will need to be requested by their GP or consultant.

Multidisciplinary therapy: Adults with communication or swallowing difficulties due to a neurological cause, who require intervention from more than one discipline for example speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and/or physiotherapy, should be referred to the Community Neuro Therapy Team.

Stammering: If you wish to refer an individual with stammering difficulties please contact the Adult Speech & Language therapy team, who will ensure that the referral is directed to the appropriate service.  The team can be contact on or via the single point of referral on 020 8296 4111.